Role of Motivation in Addiction Recovery
Motivation is a powerful and needed aspect of addiction recovery. It is the key element to successful addiction recovery. Motivation is the reason a person acts or behaves in a particular way or situation, and is the driving force behind one’s action. Whether, it is to be a better human being, family member, better one’s health, etc. each individual must understand the role of motivation in addiction recovery process has their own unique driving force, which propels them to not only seek treatment but stay in treatment.
Providing encouragement to being seeking recovery is what will sustain them throughout the drug and alcohol rehabilitation process and throughout that person’s lifetime of sobriety. As time progresses, an individual’s inspiration may change, but the ability to utilize that motivation to their advantage will remain the same.
Throughout my teaching and administration career, I encountered a significate number of personalities with each one having specific needs that proved to be a changeling. Finding a person’s motivation to perform in a productive and responsible course of action, was the key to having them embrace what was necessary for them to succeed. As an example, you have two students who refuse to complete work in class. The teacher needs the students to do the work in class, in order for her to understand what it is they are struggling with that limits their success. Once she recognizes the area they are struggling with, she will not only be able to aid in their comprehension of the subject matter but also help them in overcoming the potential future obstacles.
Each student needs an incentive to do the classwork and succeed with their educational goals. But helping one gain some ‘perspective’ on their situation that helps drive their motivation, is the key element in this entire equation. A proper method of diagnosing the situation/problem and coming up with solutions that are curtailed to the student involved; allows for a higher likelihood of success. This same principle resonates with people who are considering starting their addiction recovery process.
Motivation comes from within a person directing and moving that person to change their beliefs. This is when a person finds within themselves to change for themselves. It is intrinsic, and it drives our outward behavior. It allows us to change our thinking; therefore, our behavior. The rationale allows us to set and achieve goals, make plans, develop skills and grow. In order to change beliefs, you have to change your way of thinking, the way you perceive yourself, and the way you take care of yourself, this is the key item for a successful recovery process.
We respond to the changes that occur in our lives, and motivation is the key to helping us respond positively and responsibly to those changes. Without reason, we lose our life’s direction, and therefore; we suffer, and our circumstances suffer the consequences. It is vital to a person’s addiction recovery to maintain throughout the recovery process their motivation. Also, it is important for that person once they have completed the drug and alcohol rehabilitation program to establish intrinsic goals to continue to motivate themselves ensuring they maintain their success.
Grant Me The Courage Recovery, located in Brea, California recognizes the importance of motivation and the importance it plays in addition to recovery. Contact us now at (877) 290-2058) to learn about a variety of recovery resources available to you.